
trains and winter rains

Do you know you look like Enya?

I’m sure you’ll all love this laid back interview with Steve Wright on BBC Radio 2. Listen to it online (fast-forward to 1:38). And don’t forget to watch Enya’s performance of Trains and Winter Rains on ‘Children in Need’ fundraiser …

And Interviews Came

There’s been a lot going on lately, so let’s take it slowly and start with the interviews:

No going back, no going home

Cargo trains rolling by…

Even if you missed Trains and Winter Rains radio premiere, you can listen to the song on the BBC website. Go to BBC 2 – Wake up to Wogan and fast-forward the Monday show to 1:44. I am in love …

Train and Winter Rains radio premiere

Some great news from enya.com: Terry Wogan will play Trains and Winter Rains on his morning programme ‘Wake up to Wogan’ at 9.10 am (GMT) on Monday 29th September 2008. The show is available online.

I can’t wait …

Trains and Winter Rains

I can’t believe I’m getting news on the upcoming album from a Slovak music newsletter, but apparently it’s true. The first single for And Winter Came is named Trains and Winter Rains and is going to be released to the

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